Wednesday, May 17, 2006

home alone

Now I know how Tim felt when his mum and sister were overseas..... being home alone and bored sh*tless!!!! Technically Im not alone, my sister is here with me.... but there are moments when I am in the company of myself.... and let me tell you, my boredom threshhold is at it's peak right now. I have novels, DVDs, and music to read, watch and listen to, but they are not doing any justice right now.... Sh*t maybe I should do my Uni assignmnets!
I remeber laughing to myself when Tim would whine about being bored, but I take it back, I feel ya!!!

My parentals are overseas at the moment and it feels like they have been gone forever! Very strange! Im so jealous that they are in The Philippines and soon to be USA....Damn I should get cracking with saving $$$$ to travel to a far away land!.....
But I gave them a list of things to buy for me:
1. the Preview magazine from the Philippines....
2. a new pair of Converse All Stars.... its cheaper in the Philz...ah bless!
3. American Apparel Thigh High Socks or a hoodie.... they dont have a store in Australia....

I hope they get around to buying those things for me, but if they don't, its all good in the hood.


Annie said...

I've got some old Previews you can read through Ria! I'll lend em to ya. It's my favourite magazine. Even beats Aussie Harpers or Vogue. I make my cousin buy for me then send it here when someone's coming from Phils. Abbie doesn't lie when she says she loves it! :)

Raver Ria said...

oh man sick... im rocking up to your house !!! hahaha...
YeaH its a good magazine... I stole one at the salon I was in, when I was in the Phils...