I have always had a fascination for red army type jackets. Maybe it's my inner
soldier boy coming out of the wood work.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch.... I finally went out on my day off work. It's been a
bloody age since I walked the streets of London by myself, besides the normal trek
to work. It was quite nice actually (except for the weather) to roam around, window
shop and actually shop. I went to Urban Outfitters (dope store) and bought two basic
t's. And bought very very late presents for my sister and the boy. Whilst in UO I was
so close to buying a sequin tux jacket, very out of my style range because I'm scared of
all things sequin and animal print. However, I think I'm getting lured to the dark side.
Because these days I seem to like the two. But back to the sequin tux story, I didn't buy it.
haha. The fit was perfect and it did look nice on, but I knew I would get the post
purchase dissonance blues when I got home, plus it would of hung in the wardrobe for
eternity (like a lot of things in my closet). I'm notorious for buying random clothes and
leaving them in my closet and not wearing them then giving them to salvation army then
regretting it for not wearing it.
Off tangent now....
I just realised, that this is probably the longest written post I have done in a while. Maybe
I should write my rambles more often. That and more of my (fantastic) Holga shots (skills). haha
Image source: ?