Sunday, March 30, 2008

buy me some nikes

I'm in love with these Nike Court Forces'


We went out last night for Rey's birthday..... I forgot how fun bowling can be... we ended the night at Bamboo, my first time..... two words... interestingly fun. I guess it had to do with the people I was with..... it's all about the company!!!!
I will post pics soon.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

quote of a quote

I spoke to one of my mates today... and she told me a quote she read ages ago... I thought it was profound...

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing"

One of my new years resolutions is to be 'fearless'... sometimes I feel the doubts I have cripple me.... By 'cripple' I mean pursuing what I really want in this lifetime...
Imagine if everyone had no fear.... everyone would be doing things that they are really passionate about.. living the life that they dreamed of... working in a job that they truly desire..... how amazing would that be.
Sometimes I think we all just need to jump in the deep end and go for gold! Screw our fears, doubts and anxieties....
Let's just all be daring..... let's jump...
Are you game?

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Team Mindanao

My Gawad Kalinga team.. they rock my world!
The best experience of my life!
i miss them all!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Rebecca Wetzler

As you probably know by now, I am in love with illustrators.
I wanted to share some illustrator love.
This work is done by Rebecca Wetzler.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Lomo Love Update

I uploaded new pics to Lomo Love: i heart my holga
"Holga 35mm: Greenbelt 5 & Fiamma- Feb 08"

Friday, March 14, 2008

Lomo Love Update

i uploaded new pics to Lomo Love: i heart my holga
"Holga 35mm: South Rakkas Crew @ Oxford Art Fatory- 7th March 08"
  • Lomo Love:I heart my Holga
  • Thursday, March 13, 2008

    Sunday, March 09, 2008

    cause and effect

    sometimes we conceal things from people we love.
    we conceal these things because we know it will impact everything.
    we think that by not telling them everything will be ok....
    the truth always has a way of surfacing.
    we have to face the consequences, whether we like it or not.
    we have to face the consequences that we fear most.
    what's done is done...

    if only we could take it back.....

    Wednesday, March 05, 2008


    OMG Graniph opened at The Galeries Victoria!!!! awesome!!!! the shirts are cheap!!! 2 for $70 or $40 each!!!!

    check out

    Tuesday, March 04, 2008

    Bali song

    I saw this clip on the TV when I was in PI.
    I haven't heard this song in 4 years I think... I know a long time!
    It's so lovely.
    Enjoy....and sing a long because the lyrics show up karaoke styles..haha..Myx ahh bless

    Monday, March 03, 2008

    i hate this....

    "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."

    Sunday, March 02, 2008

    So what happened after GK???

    BORACAY…yet again….

    A couple of friends and I went to Boracay for a few days. We stayed at our friend’s auntie’s house. Her house was absolutely amazing. It was this white three storey home, with a gorgeous view of the beach. I have never entered a beach house quite like this one.

    As we were driving up the street we were admiring the big beautiful beach houses. And when the car pulled in we didn’t realise we would stay in one of them. Our reactions were “omigosh…ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!!” we were in complete awe of the place.

    Later, we met with Leonard, Luke and Damian. We went to Cocamangas…. A lot of drinks…camera lights flashing…the DJ….. The psycho stalker… the Jap boy with the hat I wanted to steal….. And Leonard getting his groove on… that place was funny!!!

    Bora consisted of chilling on the beach… happy hour…swimming…and drinking the most delicious shakes at Jonah’s…. I never knew how awesome banana and melon shakes were…thank you Jonah!!! I will try and concoct my own version!!! Let’s hope I’m successful!!!

    Boracay has changed A LOT in a span of a year…. It is completely bustling with tourists. It’s not the calm Bora I remember. There are new hotels… new developments…new restaurants…new markets… it’s amazing how things can change in a year…. Despite all the modifications… it is still a beautiful place.... Nothing beats a Bora sunset…everything turns golden.. The sky transforms into a burst of pink, red and gold extravaganza… everyone rushes to the beach with their cameras to take a photo of the picture perfect sky….the sail boats glide carelessly through the water…unaware of the beauty that is behind it…. Couples kiss and cuddle and take pictures of themselves…later to return to those photos and reminisce.

    I bet that beach has seen a lot of break-ups, make-ups, throw ups, proposals, fights and weddings…. if only that beach could talk....


    There were days when we visited our very big family… they always seem to amuse me. Especially my little cousins and my nieces and nephews… they are such little characters…full of energy and imagination. I loved how my niece would say “I want a Honda Civic…. My boyfriend is Sam Milby and we are going to get married” My niece, Kyla, is on 5 years old. She has such a big personality for such a tiny girl… she is cute as a button… and the leader of the pack…. Ah bless.

    We were able to stay in the CBD. A walk away from Greenbelt which was great! The places I wanted to go were walking distance or a 10 minute cab drive….

    Tim ended up surprising me; he came to the Philippines with Jr. He was only there for 1 week! But it was a good week. I was sitting in Max Brenner with a few friends waiting for my sister and Jr to arrive…. And then 10 or 15 minutes later Tim came in…My face lit up with surprise and excitement… I ran and jumped on him… I think a few patrons thought I was on crack or something…hahaha…

    They funny thing was I had a feeling he was going to fly up to PI. When Jr and Mara entered Max B… I kept on looking at the entrance of to see if Tim was directly behind them… but he wasn’t …so I thought damn… he is not coming…. But in the end he was there in the flesh…. Wearing that blue flannel shirt and those Nudie jeans that hasn't been washed in AGES!!!….

    We got to meet up with the lovely Vicky H again…..Vicky, thankyou so much for taking care of us!!! We all really appreciate your hospitality!!
    I enjoyed our hangouts, Embassy nights and our Coffee Bean chats :) That store we stumbled across in Greenbelt 5 was awesome!!! I hope that motherf*cker who crashed into us pays for damages and gets really really bad KARMA!!!!

    There were a few days where I was by myself because the GK Australia kids and Tim left for Sydney, Mara and Jr were in and out of PI.
    This really tested my ability to explore new surroundings and tested my sanity!! There were instances where I really felt lonely and it didn’t help that I was sick either! I already visited the places that intrigued me…so there were a lot of
    “hhmm what should I do” type of moments… Manila is not a familiar city to me [but will be soon:)] and there were times where I felt I had no sense of direction. It’s really strange experiencing that feeling of loneliness... walking the streets and feeling sort of empty…the funny thing was I didn’t miss home, every time I travel somewhere I never get homesick… but I think I missed having the company of another person… having a normal conversation, and not having a conversation with myself 24/7… however, in these moments I was able to reflect, reflect on my current situation; especially the reality that was waiting for me back in Sydney. I did a lot of writing, and a lot of book buying… I think Power Books and National Book Store made their budget for the month!!! Haha. Alas, I’m glad I went through that, even though it was quite depressing. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger right?