It was very surreal walking up the damn carpark hill @ the Werrington Campus!!! in a way it was like I was never on summer holidays! My first class for the year was Advertising Strategy and im glad to say that I am in the same class as Merc, Tim and Patricia! wooo!
It was chockers today at Uni, all the fresh off the high school boat students were there, I could see that they were very anxious, its a totally new world for them. And I guarantee that about 1/3 will defer or drop out.
Lara will no longer be with us she transfered to UTS and the same goes for Linda, but she is at UNSW. So I wish both of them good luck!!!!! kick arse girls!!!!!!
But I am very sad!!!! my mind is still in Byron Bay!!! That is all I have been thinking about !!!! I almost cried on the very long and gruelling 13hour bus ride back home!!!! I had fun up there!!!! the beaches were awesome and everything was so chilled out!!! But we did have our share of racial tension. We got in a verbal/ racial fight with some local teens outside Woolworths. Vulgar words were exchanged and we were told to go back to our country....hmmmmm...... um were from Sydney and even though our background is Asian, we are Australian...... wheres the love!!!!! thankfully it only happened once and that no one got hurt/ stabbed/ bashed / hospitalised etc! But it really did ruin our afternoon ice-cream run...... This quote kept on popping up in my head when all this sh*t was going on.... He who angers you conquers you..... and I guess those blokes did conquer us or vice versa.....
Enough about that.....
Omigosh we went to Nimbin.... hahahahaa. that was an experience in itself!!! It had a population of about 5oo people. and every second person was a drug dealer.... we went into the weed museum and it was cool.... hippies were around the place.... man it was a real mind trip....
The Arts Factory lodge was a cool place to stay!!!! So000OO relaxed..... chilling out and reading our books on the balcony, swimming in the pool, getting the bus into town or walking into town, buying 10cents frogs @ the kiosk, cooking food in the communal kitchen. ordering those hot chips and killer sauce at the Buddha Bar, watching movies in the cinema lounge.
I loved the Buddha Bar, I loved the way it was furnished and decorated. Artworks were hung up on the wall, waiting to be purchased. I think they were made by locals. I loved the paintings!!!!!
I met interesting people like Philip our dorm mate from Sweden, who inspired the boys to buy the book 'The Game". Elad from Israel and his awesome curly hair and cheery personality!! Che the dreadlocks blue eyed guy who taught people how to play the didge and surfing..
Im definately going back up there in the near future! I want to go for Splender or The Blues and Roots Festival.... but I think I have uni assessments during then & I think money will be a bit of a problem!
Im going through this phase at the moment, where I really don't want to be in Sydney or Australia...... I want to travel and live the nomadic lifestyle! Im in this semi depression state....hmmm.... I always get like this coming back from a holiday.... I bet in a couple of weeks I'll be right as rain...hahaha... Every time I go away somewhere, it adds fuel to my passsion for travelling!!!
Alas, I should be fine and dandy........reality has kicked in and I guess it's back to routine and old habits!