Last Saturday night I went out with my sister, Simone and Anna.... I hauled arse after work, I was rushing in the toilet to get changed... for some reason I couldnt do my shoe laces I was pretty unco!
IT WAS SO COLD!!!! I was waiting for my train at B-town, and I was freezing.... at least I didnt get the ghetto train... good old Tangara's it has air-cons..hahahah..
But the city was even worse, I waited about half an hour for my sister at Townhall steps... and it was so cold, unbearably cold!!! I saw girls in little dresses and skirts with no jackets.... I was thinking to myself.... "damn they have balls".... man I was wearing 4 layers of clothes and I was still freezing!
For some reason there were heaps of "i hate my dad man" emo kids out too... there was probably a concert or shindig.... but I have to say I like their style, more so the guys, but then again the look becomes a bit androgenous at times.
Mara finally came, we went across the road to woolies to get warm and buy chocolate... Sim was taking her car so we met her at KFC.... so we drove to Anna's apartment, I absolutley love her place, it's the best!!! Anna the crazy shopper that she is, bought a pair of Marc Jacobs shoes!! I must admit they are extremely beautiful!!! But very expensive!!!! It would probably take me a year to save up to buy a pair of Marc Jacobs shoes!!!!
We just lounged around, ate chocolate, drank red wine, caught up with each other... Sim is leaving for Asia this week and Anna will be graduating soon...
Sim made reservations at Hugos Lounge at Kings Cross, they had $5 dollar pizzas the offer ends this June, so if anyone is from Sydney, check it out...they have excellent pizzas!
Sh*t we ordered four pizzas!!! it was great! Pork belly pizza is the best!!!! so order it if you decide to go!
Omigosh.... "you make me feel like dancing" Leo Sayer was there....hahaha... Us girls were chatting away, then out of the blue Anna says.." Is the Leo Sayer??""" I started laughing coz it was.... I remembered that he had a concert at Rooty Hill.... Anna said that he moved to Sydney.... he had an entourage of girls dancing with him, mind you they were all old enough to be his daughters...gross!!!! 'who's your daddy'... hahahaha!
After Hugo's we went back to Anna's place bought desert and lounged some more, I just realised how close she lives to Kings Cross. I guess thats the advantages of living in the city, all the best places are just a fart away! Man I miss living in Paddington!
It was Luke's birthday on Sunday, Mara and I went over there to celebrate/ catch up with old Antiochers... eat cake.. etc etc...good old Dexter orgainised it..... Julie got out of the hospital so it was great seeing her. Baby Lily is beauiful! man she does not look real, she looks like a doll!!! I can't believe that Luke has a new sister!!!! She opened her eyes and she has killer blue eyes! it is awesome!!! The deepest blue I have ever seen in my life!
Meanwhile I can't believe Luke is 20 years old now.... about time!!! You are no longer a teenager!!! But he is the maturest person I know!!! Such a wise man!!!! love ya buddy!!!!