I went to the Inner Vision Tattoo (www.innervisiontattoo.com.au) parlor today with my friend and he got inked..... Sam Philips who is a visiting tattoo artist from America inked him..... visit his site www.americantattooparlor.com
It was painful watching him get it done, mind you it was a big piece and on the ribs...and yeah it was a 3 hour session .. so go figure.... "it hurt like hell".
I have much respect for tattoo artists, they are truly talented people. I find it amazing how they can create such beautiful masterpieces on peoples body.
The funny thing was I saw my dad's tattoo in one of the artists books.... It took a while for it to sink in that it was my dad's arm..... My dad got that tat done when I was in primary school, and I didnt really know which shop he went to, so it was a nice surprise to see it in the artisits book.
Maria: "hey that's my grandad....hey thats my dad's tattoo!!!!!!!"