3 HOURS OF THIS.........

LEAD TO THIS........ beautiful.....
I went to the Inner Vision Tattoo (www.innervisiontattoo.com.au) parlor today with my friend and he got inked..... Sam Philips who is a visiting tattoo artist from America inked him..... visit his site www.americantattooparlor.com
It was painful watching him get it done, mind you it was a big piece and on the ribs...and yeah it was a 3 hour session .. so go figure.... "it hurt like hell".
I have much respect for tattoo artists, they are truly talented people. I find it amazing how they can create such beautiful masterpieces on peoples body.
The funny thing was I saw my dad's tattoo in one of the artists books.... It took a while for it to sink in that it was my dad's arm..... My dad got that tat done when I was in primary school, and I didnt really know which shop he went to, so it was a nice surprise to see it in the artisits book.
Maria: "hey that's my grandad....hey thats my dad's tattoo!!!!!!!"
Hey dude i would image that hurts being on the ribs and all...3 hours session wow......
aren't you a nice little cheer squad for watching for those 3 hrs hours....I'm sure he is thankful for you being there...good on you
Yeah he was in pain..... he had water in his eyes....Yeah im such a good friend to watch.... i was getting hungry.... so i went down to Hungry Jacks to feed my face... then went abck to the parlor to watch some more
nah he prolly didnt have water in his eyes....im sure he was just in pain
OMG, Tim you got a tattoo?
Noice! :) hahaha
haha i wish
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