30/11/2005: Chilling out with Anna
It was cool chilling out with Anna. I got her to come to Target again…. I put a cube shelf on laybuy and bought a side table…. but I wasn’t sure if it was the right one……and I was right, I bought the wrong style…so I need to exchange it!
Anna and I are planning to do a one day makeup course at Napolean Perdis, we came to the conclusion that were shit at putting makeup on and we need to seek professional help…so that may be on the cards…
Mike met up with us at Starbucks…. I ordered a Strawberry and Cream Frappe…. Man it was good…. Better than New Zealand Ice-cream Strawbery shakes…yummmyyyyy!
There was a hot guy working there too (soorrrryy Tim!), Anna and I were like DAMN!!!
Anna and I
Good old Frappe
mmmmm frappe!
hhhooray for Starbucks!
The cute kid waving at us on the other side of the glass
01/12/2005: Green P
IT’S THE DAY MONTH OF SUMMER!!!!!! And Christmas is near too! Surprise surprise it was actually hot today!!!!!!!
Tim went for his green P’s and he passed…..yay 15/15….what a smart boy!!! he was scared that he would not pass…..but luckily he did…. I just realized it is quite expensive to get them….booking fees and for the actual license…… but he was excited to get a new photo….lol…..
We went back to his house and watched Y Tu Mama Tambien. It was a good movie…I liked it anyway…and had a late lunch. .Kasey came home with Sofia…man I haven’t seen that girl for close to 2 years….she is all grown up, as filo parents would say “dalaga na” ( I think that’s how you spell it).
My, sister mum and I went late night shopping at Mounty County. I got a credit note for the side table I bought, so I need to go back to Blacktown to buy the right one….I was pissed because they didn’t have it at Mounty County! So I think I may have to drag Tim there tomorrow….. he wont be too impressed!
Later we met up with my dad and ate the little fish and chips shop…
02/12/2005: April's Shindig
Aprils shindig!!!!!! boo! she is going or should I say ...she has gone to Asia ....*sniff sniff* Vietnam, Thailand, Laos and I think Cambodia???
But she had a little gathering at her house, it was a going away/ christmas party..... I started camera whoring with Anna, we all got too snap happy!!!! one love!
I drove all the way to Campsie....and I was freaking out on the M4 as usual! bad experience on that motorway!!!! plus it was raining hard core and I was driving slow as...hehehehe..all good....I would rather be safe than sorry...but I think the other motorists would of debated me on that..... *ROOOAAADDD RRRAAGGGEEEEEE!!!!!!!*
All smiles from April. Frannie. Anna
look at the camera maria!

Anna. April. Me. and a bit of Clarette
Me. Anna. April
Frannie: reliving the pose from Mags' 17th bday party
Clarette looking happy chappy...hahahaha
ok ok i stole the following pics from Anna's blog! hehehe:
A photo where I am actually looking at the camera!
Tim and I
Tim and Frannie
o3/12/05:Sim's 21st
My sister and I went to Simone's birthday dinner at Pink Peppercorn on Oxford St. It was a Laotian restaurant......it was reallllyyy ggoooodddd food!!!! BUT VERYY POOORRR SERVICE!!I found that the food was similar to Thai dishes but even more tastier.... We had 3 bottles of wine, lamb, salmon, salad, curry (that i didnt eat, coz i hate curry!) and chilli prawns!!!! mmmm yummo! We were running late on Filo time......1 hour late!!!! but we werent the only ones......Tiff and Arianne..... So Sim and Anna were waiting patiently at the restaurant for all the girls to come.
Anna. Sim. Mara. Me (and the granny blouse)
Tiff. Sim. Anna
Mara. Me. Arianne
wwwoohhhooo frreee bottle of wine!

Sim and I
Mara and Sim (Sim made that cool dress she is wearing, bright young thing!)
We went to Charles' place after Sims....Marie didnt want her photo being put up on Friendster.....so i decided on Blogger mwuhahahaha...Jr and Mara at the back being dicks!
o5/12/05: Bondi Beach
I went to the beach with Tim today...yay for Bondi.....The weather at first was quite shitty! very cloudy...but in a blink on an eye the sun came out.... we took happy snaps once again....but its on Tim's phone so i'll post it later.... Man there was seaweed everywhere! it was pretty gross...plus you would of ended up drowning in that shit! We spoke about long distance relationships, and whether they work..... Im an idealist and i think it works ...while Tim is a realist and he reckons it doesnt! I guess its true...that it doesnt work... Im just the lil' optimist.... I guess im in denial!!!!
But after the beach we went back into the city...we went into David Jones.... I was looking for concealer because i look as if i got in a bar fight! we found one product Bobbi Brown ....so I think Im going to buy that later
Can u see the dark circles????
06/12/05: Harry Potter and Christmas trees
We saw Harry Potter today at Blacktown, I liked it...but it was very dark....me being the pussy I am was getting scared! I was thinking ....If little kids watch it...they may get nightmares with some of the stuff that goes on in it!Our favourite trippy mirrors and floor at hoyts!
Tim and i just walked around Blacktown and had lunch, after the movie we went back to his house and watched Tha Matrix Reloaded...man i like the fight scenes in that movie and Monica Belluci is hot! Man I has really nice cookies and cream ice-cream at Tim's house.... far out it was good as!
We put up the Christmas tree, with the help of Jr...hahahah... he was getting his jollies hard! but i have to say the tree does look shhhnazzzy....
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