Saturday, November 19, 2005

I cant seem to shake this feeling

CAREER!!!!The very word paralyses me!!!!

I was on the phone with my dear friend Anna and we spoke on the topic of careers.....
I realise I have a few friends that have already gained employment in their ideal jobs or something relating to what they have studied in Uni....
I have this fear that I will forever be stuck in retail (not that theres anything wrong with that) and never get into my "dream" job..... I feel like I am in this stationary position, which I have no hope of getting out of....
It is actually quite daunting when you really take your time and think about your future. It's not as easy as choosing what flavoured ice-cream you want (but then again I still have trouble doing that!)
The present is great and you live in the now, no care in the world, it's just you and whatever your doing at that time and in that place.....but then you have to realise you need to snap out of that can't be 18 years old forever......

Maybe Im going through one of my phases....quarter life crisis as one friend puts it!!!

ALAS, as Anna said to me "there is a time for everything" and I guess my time will come..(oh enlightenment come sooner!)

I guess this is what being in your 'Twenties' is all about......coming to grips with who you are and what you want to be......trial and error.......such a rollercoaster indeed..... but I guess the main factor is patience and contentment.......

I hope that when an opportunity arises I see it and take it on board and I hope I dont fail to notice it.....

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