This is probably one of the most craziest concerts I have attended.
These kids from Brazil know how to party (seriously)
They have so much energy, they pumped everyone up and they surely know how to entertain.
There was a lot of air gyrating, drinking a lot of Corona (or alcohol in general) whilst singing, spiting water or alcohol at the crowd, throwing water or alcohol at the crowd, crowd interaction/ semi crowd surfing (the security guard was tight arse, they didn't really let them crowd surf), using a giant blow up penguin with a penis drawn on it as a ball to throw around, singing whilst rolling around on the floor and vomiting; yep, you read correctly, one of the boys vomited on stage.... I think all that jumping, singing and drinking alcohol made him spew.... sort of like when hyperactive 5 year olds run around like headless chooks after eating dinner then getting sick and up chucking...
I loved their Brazilian accents when they spoke English... a lot of "wweeh laahhve Aoustralia".. "wwiiickk-hed" and "aaaooww-summm"..... but nothing beats "ddiiss soonggg is abbooutt f*cking coconuts.... i'mmm soooh aarouuss--sed"
If they have another concert I am going to definitely watch them again!
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