Monday, September 18, 2006

Hieu & Rhodora's Wedding!

They finally tied the knot after 7 years of dating!! unfortunately I did not get to attend the wedding because I had a stack of uni work to do.... but I did attend the reception (how Filo!). The reception was at Canley Vale and it was a really nice function hall.... very decptive from the outside!
The Vietnamese and Filo community came together to celebrate their special day... there was a Filo and Viet MC; to translate.... I saw a few familiar faces from attending Viet Mass, and old school and new school Antioch members were there..... Hieu and Rhodora are part of both hahahaha! All up there probably would of been 500 people, yes I know.... there were heaps of guests! The dance floor was murdered by all the teenagers, all getting their groove on.... I have to say a wedding isnt a wedding without doing the Nut Bush..ah bless Tina Turner
We had to leave the reception early because Mara had a severe allergic reaction to the seafood, that was really weird becuase she always eats seafood..... BUT SHE BROKE OUT IN SEVERE HIVES! It was really really bad, she couldnt even walk properly and her eyes were all teary...
So I drove to Liverpool Hospital to the emergency section..... she vomited outside the entrance....ewww! We got to the hospital at around 11:30pm and left at 2:30am.... we were there forever! but when she came out from seeing the doctor she was fine and dandy... so now she needs to get an allergy test etc. I also had work the next day, so I ws only on 4 hours sleep...zombie alert! but it's all good, at least Mara is all good in the hood.

The Bride: Rhodora

Tim & I

Tim & I

JR & Mara

Tim & I

Table # 15 with the happy couple!

VIP bridal party annie!

Verdi anyone?? stashed under our table and thats not even half of the bottles!

Penny's back from Perth...till wednesday :(

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