Friday, August 01, 2008

The law of attraction

Jack Canfield says "The law of attraction states that you will attract into your life--whether wanted or unwanted--whatever you give your energy, focus, and attention to".

A few weeks back I was thinking about my friend because I walked past the place he use to work at, plus I havent seen him in a long time. A couple of days ago I received a facebook friend request from him. Then today I received an email from my sister with the below flyer for his gig.
It's funny how the universe works... if you want to see 'the law of attraction' in action come down to his gig (15 August from 7:00-12:00, at East Village)


Style On Track said...

oh that is lovely! I watched the dvd called 'the secret' and now since youve had it work for you, I am inspired to try it myself. Im going to make an inspiration board of things I think ;) Let me know if you try the though of attraction again :D

Raver Ria said...

I too watched the DVD.. pretty interesting stuff i must say.
Yes, do the inspiration bored, would love to see it :)