I realised that each time I go to a Filipino event it is always with Tim, Mara and JR...
Anyhow... some bloke Lee and some sheila Angela won.... I didnt mind that Lee won, actually I wanted him to win the male division, I dont know him personally or in general, but I thought he had the model 'look' down pat.... *blue steel baby*
On the other hand, Angela, I was surprised that she won. Along with a lot of people in the crowd. I wanted female contestants 1 or 3 to win... but oh well, it's all good. All I can say is good luck to them both with their future modelling careers.
I really liked the introduction and production of the event. It was a carnival theme... very BRASIL! I loved the costumes that they wore.. awesome... feathered head dresses, skimpy bikinis, fisherman pants etc etc... it may sound slutty, but it wasnt... think Rio Carnival.... thats what it was like...
I applaud all 16 contestants for entering, they really have balls. They all get put under the microscope when they are on stage/ catwalk, getting scrutinized can kill your ego, so I guess you really need to be thick skinned to enter such competitions.
I really want Tim to enter next year...ehehe... I think he has a chance of winning....
JR & Mara
Mara. Tim & I
Mara... bored at intermission
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