Monday, June 30, 2014

Travel Photo Diary: Coron, Philippines

Coron captured on film. I can bang on all day about how amazing this place is. Coron is known for it's diving, notably, the 7 Japanese ships that sank during World War 2. It's pristine water and sea life is, in my opinion, the best in the Philippines. I stayed at Club Paradise Palawan and I liked how the rooms had no TVs. So there was a lot of swimming, eating, drinks at the bar and forced human interaction. As well as playing pool and table tennis - my sister is a machine at table tennis and I had no idea.

Coron Coron Coron Coron Coron Coron Coron Coron Coron Coron Coron Coron

Images Shot by me using a Ricoh 35mmZF


Apesylove said...

your pics are amazingly breathtaking!! I love your style x

Raver Ria said...

Thanks April glad you like them :)