(All images shot by me)
Flying into NYC was an epic fail of sorts; 5 hour pit stop in Korea and I was bored brainless, I lost 5 rolls of 35mm film (til this day I'm not over it), customs almost didn't let us in to the US, which almost brought me to tears. Alas, being a little after 12 midnight and the last people in the customs line, the guard gave up and let us through.JFK to Manhattan via taxi was a very surreal experience, thanks to jet lag and the giddy feeling of travelling to a new country, as well as being in one of the best cities in the world. Upon reaching Manhattan and NYC traffic on a Saturday night, I felt like yelling "I've made it!". Looking at the building structures (fire escapes and dark brown brick work) through the taxi window will never leave me. And seing our home coming (my sister, cousins + partners) at the flat that would be our abode for a week, gave me a sense of relief.
We dropped our bags and it was time to experience NYC. 1am saw us chowing down at a Thai restaurant and beers at Epstein Bar in LES. We meet our first local New Yorker, who was trying to pick us up while the boys were at the bar. And we subsequently befriended him and he proceeded to tell us his girl problems. We met fellow Aussies from Sydney who travelled via South America to North. One of the dudes was a reincarnation of our friend Simon, but in Caucasian form. He was hilarious. Our new Aussie friends gave us the 4-1-1 on the down sides of being single and travelling America, because the US girls they encountered would not leave them alone. I really don't know if that is a downside really.... single and girls after you, it sounds like a single man's heaven to be honest.
The above pics is what we got up to on day 2, touristy goodness. Views from Empire State, The New York Public library that I would happily live in, Grand Central Station and The Natural History Museum. Where my cousin would giggle at me due to my phobia of walking past all the taxidermy/ animal bone structures.
Stay tuned for more comprehensive NYC and New Orleans photo diaries!
Oh wow, sounds like an epic trip! Sucks about the film, but still - very jealous! Love the matching vans too.
x Stace
PS. I've got a giveaway happening to win a House of Harlow ring! I'd love for you to enter!
Beautiful photographs! I love travel blogs so very happy I found your s:)
You must have been in a tremendous nightmare losing those films! And connecting flights aren't that fun either. I had to wait 8 hours in Narita on my connecting flight to Philippines and 10 hours in Bangkok on my way back to Europe. Ask me to spell nightmare and I'd write 'long connecting flights.'
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