Friday, November 04, 2011

Bill Cunningham New York

I watched this on Wednesday night, courtesy of Russh Magazine's premier at Palace Verona
in Paddington. Thanks Russh!

Bill is the most hard working, inspirational and down to earth man. I have so much respect for
him as a person and his work ethic. I love that he loves fashion, but doesn't let it rule his life, or
the trappings of the industry "if you dont take the money, they can't tell you what to do".  He loves
clothes, and this is evident in the photos he takes for The New York Times.

The fact that he is in his 80s and is running around New York and all the major fashion weeks
is a testament to his dedication. He would often say (this is) "pleasure not work", now, how many
people can profess that about their jobs. He always smiles when he shoots on the streets or the
runway, you can tell he immersed in the beauty that he sees, a curated eye. I love that he still uses
film, such a rarity.

I wish I can find an excerpt of his speech for his lifetime achievement award in the arts in Paris.
It basically sums up his career. I laughed when he said "I'm not interested in celebrities and their free
dresses, I'm interested in clothes" and my eyes welted up, when he choked up towards the end of his
speech and said "if you seek beauty you will find it".

I really hope I see and meet him when I'm in New York next year.

Bill, you are an amazing man.

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