Blood brothers, red hair, fire engines, red lips, heart, Ferrari, Vampires,
life, blood shot eyes, humanity, death, love.
Red is a common theme I have been seeing of late, especially in the fashion
Most of all Love.
*Image Source: 1. Max Abadian 2. 3. Google Images
4. Isabel Marant 5. Google Images 6. lovemetoinfinity.tumblr 7. Rika Magazine
8. swaglikeapple.tumblr 9. Le Love
is red the new black?
I like to think so ;)
what MAC lippie is that? i'm using Ladybug at the moment. and those godiva dipped strawberries are making my heart melt :)
The Mac lippie is Ruby Woo, you should try out Russian Red too... both colours come out nicely on the lips.
The strawberries are to die for!! YUM
ooh, MAC + strawberries <3
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