Sunday, September 23, 2007

my birthday....

Heels or flats?
We fed our faces.
Attack of the "stalker"
Catty bitch face ruled the first couple of hours....
stress stress ...
Now I know how stressed door bitches can be.
Jumping up and down with my cousins and friends
A lot of alcohol was splashed on the floor.
We may be older, none the wiser, but we sure still know how to party....

Thank you to everyone that made the night as much fun as it was! love you lots!

Clarette. jax. i. frannie. rowie. simon

rowie. clarette. jax. i. tim. liam. mervin. simon. frannie

dean and tim

ruby. rey. rachelle. luke

Liam and i

i. clarette

mara. simo. rey

anna. mara. ed. rey

ed. rey. tim. jess. i

tim. wayne. ed. rey. i

mara. ed. rey. ruby. i . anna

gino and tim


Sam and I

ruby. anna. rey

ruby.i. rey


rachelle and jeff

anna and i

rachelle. liam.tim. i. rey

rachelle. ed. i. rey. simo

mara. i. anna

mara. rachelle

mara and anna

jess and tim


i and ruby

get excited

gino. i. (tim at the back) and loser

anna. rey. i. simo. gaston

ed. mara. i


all white now



one last thing......

happy birthday rachelle!

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