Wednesday, November 29, 2006

No hat, No play

I was on the train today coming home from the city....train rides are good for in-depth pensive moments,especially when you don't have a book or an ipod at hand. While I was in this pensive state we passed a primaryschool and I saw kids on their lunch break playing in the harsh Australian sun. A teacher came up to one of them and busted him for not having a hat. The 'no hat,no play' patrol is still going strong in full force after all these years.
Who would of thought of not having a hat would bring such harsh consequences i.e. a blow to the precious play time. I don't know what other countries primary school policies are for not having a hat, but in good old Aussie- land if ya don't have a hat, you ain't gonna play.....

I remember back in the day when I was a wee child my friends and I hated that rule... damn the person who thought of it..... I felt sorry for the lad or lass who left their hat at home... they were seated at the designated 'no hat, no play' area of the playground. Although, we would be a loyal friend and play with our fallen comrade, but pointing and laughing at them was more fun. I remember the girls hats were bottle green and the boys hats were shit brown. Hat fights were rife, especially with the boys in our grade.... swift wacks with your hat to your opponents head, turned into full blown punch ups.... yes our grade 6 class was a violent bunch... aaahh reminiscing...
I remember how my sister's friend stole her hat and there was this mad drama that went on for 2 days... my sister was pissed off hardcore; not because her hatwas stolen, but because she couldn't go and play with her mates. Childhood trivialities are too funny.

When high school arrived hat issues no longer existed, plus all we did was eat, eat and eat, do the random stacks on and gossip/ bitch during lunch .

So, to the current primary school kid, don't worry....your hate for the hideous rule will cease when you get to high school.... thats if your future high school doesn't have that rule.... if then.... tough titties....


Annie said...

I love this post. Brings me back to when I was a wee child too.. LOL
But my favourite memory was wearing a hat and wearing it kinda half on your head so that you didn't ruin/squash your teased, hairsprayed, combed-over-to-the-side fringe!!! hahahaha Man, those were the good days! :)
In high school, handball was THE THING. hahaha Remind me to tell you about the boy who says I broke his collarbone cause I corner bludged him! :P
PS. Where in the city are you working?

Raver Ria said...

I reckon.... hahaha... when i saw the kid get busted... full brought back yeah i reckon... all the girls hated wearing it coz when you would sweat, your hair gets stuck to your
oh... i work in Rydalmere... i wish i worked in the city.... actually no i dont .... that would mean i would have to wake up at the crack of dawn....