Thursday, July 24, 2008

Missed Opportunity

I am absolutely kicking myself and I want to cry right now (not really, just venting).
I missed a freaking awesome opportunity!
I am cronically cut to the bone. Seriously.
I called up Tim and had a mad rant, I had tears in my eyes. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs!!!
"Sorry, I have already finished the interviews... I was going to reply to your email..... but i'll email you about the segment times etc"
Those words are like a sword.... a sword that has pierced my flesh... a sword that has stabbed me in the heart. If only I read that damn email sooner!!!! aarrggghhhhh!!!

Ok, I am going to be positive about this.... I'm going to work harder... plan plan plan... This vile incident will make me stronger... shit happens for a reason....

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