Why is it when everything in life can't be any better, a situation arises that forces you to to re-evaluate everything, or re-evaluate a part of your life.
This is the scariest, yet liberating moments.... We have this assumption that we can control everything that is going on in our world.... but this isn't the case. We dont control anything. Life, the mystery that it is, always throws us an odd ball here and there....ah bless...
These "fork in the road" situations can be a major b*tch (at times). They always get you when your off guard (don't you love it!). Sometimes you feel like tearing your hair out trying to figure out what to do. There is always 2 (or possibly more, mainly 2) choices.... 1. Take the road less travelled and take a major risk that can change the course of your life. Or 2. Stay comfortable and continue along your daily routine.
What to do aye...Sometimes I like choosing the latter... but life, as it is, will throw you in the same situation in the future....well... that's what I think. But regardless what choice you make there will be a lesson learned.
I agree. Its hard for me to make decisions too...
don't you hate it!!! aarrrgghhhhh!!!! lol
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